Why our business exists

M. Daniels Consulting Ltd. is an incorporated company headquartered in BC. MDC has delivered employment services since 1994 as a private and then incorporated company in Northern BC. Our mandate is to work with government, community service providers, industry, and businesses to develop and deliver client-focused employment programs and services.
M. Daniels Consulting strives to provide exceptional service through our respect for our clients, passion for our work, and collaborative approach to program and community development. We strive to provide consistent, client/employer centered, and innovative strategies to the challenges faced by the communities we serve. MDC believes that everyone is employable and our work with diverse clients strengthens our ability to meet employer and labour market needs.
MDC understands employment services and realizes that these services are continually evolving. We continue to develop innovative strategies to meet the ever- changing demands in the labour market to serve our clients, employers, our company, and our contract funders to the best of our ability.
our vision
Our Success is Measured by Your Success